Lately, people spend a considerable amount of time online, especially on their phones whether it is to browse the news, make travel arrangements, online shopping or just enjoy social media. Mobile apps and web apps are the main platforms used online and designing the UI and UX of these applications is as important as the development. Great design creates a good user experience and thus contributes to the success of the application which leads to business growth.
Listed below are the 5 most essential concepts which can provide us a steady foundation to build from:
- Hierarchy: There are two important hierarchies that can be the most helpful tools for users to operate the application without much hassle.
Visual Hierarchy: The design approach in placing the elements on the interface in a way that makes it easier for the user to navigate on the page is called Visual Hierarchy. This is done by highlighting the text of important elements, using a different color for interactive elements or using different fonts and weight for headings on the page.
Information Architecture: This relates to how the designer organizes content on the page. It includes determining what to show in the primary menu and the secondary menus. Information architecture is extremely essential to make a smooth and easy navigation experience.
User Control: The product design which gives control to the user creates a better user experience. The designer can ensure this by providing options of Cancel/Undo/Back buttons which can be helpful to the user in reversing an unintended or undesired action. Keyboard shortcuts for repetitive actions and integrating features and products for content transfer can enhance user control.
User Accessibility: The product designed to be accessible for the user will always draw more users. Accessibility in digital products essentially means that it can be easy to use and understand for people with disabilities. This can include placing labels outside the text entry fields or using high contrast between background and text colors which can improve the experience not only for visually challenged users but also users who need to use the application in low light settings. The product design should follow accessibility guidelines to enable a satisfactory experience for all users.
Simplicity Vs Creativity: The designer needs to find a balance between creativity and usability especially when creating the design for an application interface. Users are familiar with common design elements and it is not necessary to recreate these designs or relocating these elements on the elements. The user experience may be affected if the users find it hard to navigate your interface. Aesthetics of the product are integral but the designer needs to prioritize simplicity before creativity.
Innovative Interfaces: Innovation in design doesn't necessarily mean calling attention to the UI. The designer needs to make use of innovative technology to make the interface scan-able and interactive. A 'less UI' or even a 'no UI' can create a great user experience if your interface creates an impression on the user amongst other similar applications that may be available.
"I think the biggest change, and the one we're already starting to see take shape, is that globally the majority of internet usage will be done via a mobile device and for most people, the mobile web will be their primary - if not their only - way of experiencing the internet."
Quoted by Peter Rojas, Co-founder of Engadget and Gizmodo
The success of a product largely depends on the design. The interface for a mobile application needs to create an emotional connection between the product and the users for the application to be successful. Our UI/ UX designers at STAQwise apply the design-first approach to all our development projects to create designs using innovative technology. To know more, email us at or browse our completed projects at